
Welcome to Witch and The Wheel, artisan soy candles connecting you to the Magic and wisdom of the seasons.
Every particle of the cosmos follows a cycle of birth, life, decay and death. From the trees and flowers, humans and animals, stars and planets… we are all a part of the ever evolving expression of source energy.
Our modern society has disconnected many people from living intuitively and connecting to these cycles, but no matter how out of sync we may become at times, we can all find our way home.
Back to our innate knowledge and wisdom.
Back to our own inner magic and power.
Back to Source.
My intention for Witch and the Wheel is to provide high quality, ethically created products which help people make a ritual of connecting their inner and outer worlds whilst discovering the magic of living a cyclical life.
I hope you love them as much as me,
Mel x

The Witch
Hi, I’m Melanie, the Witch behind Witch and the Wheel.
Best described as an old soul, a wise woman, an alchemist and lover of all things.
I live a truly magical life, co-creating with the universal forces that surround us and following my intuitive guidance (despite how uncomfortable this often is!)
I have learnt to embrace the shadows of life as much as the joys, knowing they cannot exist without each other. The greater the depth we can meet our own soul in the darkness, the great our expansion and growth is on the other side.
Before I fell into the wonderful world of candle making, I spent many years as a therapist and coach helping others live intuitively and empowering them to follow their own unique paths.
I am a self confessed luxury candle addict, moon lover, oracle card reader, meditator, crystal collector, introvert, tree hugger, tea drinker, journal writer, nature seeker and magic maker.
After 9 months of extensive research, product development, testing and tweaking…. Witch and The Wheel was born. Eight sophisticated scents that capture the seasonal turns and reconnect us back to our ancient and eternal essence.
Thank you for being here and if you have any questions about my products please feel welcome to ask.

The Wheel
The Wheel of the Year is an annual cycle celebrating 8 turning points throughout our journey around the sun.